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Our Services

We are here to help you reach your goals

Our relationship with you always begins with a discussion so we can learn about you and your needs.  While we are compensated based on the investments we manage for you, our commitment and services provided go far beyond that.  Our team of professionals are prepared to assist you with many aspects of your financial life. 


When you establish a relationship with Greatmark, one of the first things we want to discuss is helping you maximize your banking services.  Banks attempt to earn a large spread between what they pay you on your deposits and what they charge borrowers to lend money.  They make larger profits if they can pay you less on your deposits.  We try to help you earn as much as we can on your idle cash.  Through our custodians, we can also provide you with checking accounts, debit cards, etc.  We'll help you construct a strategy to get this money working for you while maintaining flexibility to meet your needs.


Our Minimum Recommended Portfolio Size is $100,000. 

Autumn Leaves



Investment and Portfolio Management

Retirement Planning and Transition

Account Consolidation 

Funding Savings Plans for College 

Planning for Future Costs like Weddings, Car Purchases, etc.

Cash Management and Income Solutions

Comprehensive Estate review

Charitable Gift Funding

Coordinated Approach with your CPA and Attorney to Assist with Financial needs

Are you ready to let us help you?

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