Assessment - If you so desire, we will sit down with you and do a comprehensive financial review. We will review all of your financial assets - your real estate, brokerage accounts, retirement plan assets and other assets. Then we will review your debt - mortgages, car loans, business loans, etc. and we'll review your educational funding for children/grandchildren. Lastly, we'll discuss your planning needs - retirement planning, long-term health, college funding, plans to care for your parents/in-laws, etc.
Debt - one of the major issues facing Americans today is debt. We have helped a number of clients restructure their balance sheet to payoff debt as the first step in a new long-term financial plan. In some cases, this means taking money away from portfolios we might end up managing to retire debt. We want to give you the best advice we can to help you achieve your goals, even if it means we lose business. Taking a long-term view helps a great deal. Paying off a house or fully funding college needs provides great peace of mind and frees up cash flow for the next step of the financial plan.
Portfolio review - after the initial assessment and review of assets/debt, we will review all of your investment portfolios. This usually winds up in a consolidation of your investments into one location because most clients tend to have assets spread out all over the place - from stock certificates in your safe deposit box to old retirement plan accounts to a mutual fund held at the fund company to a brokerage account that formerly was managed and is now dormant - we will help you consolidate all these assets and eliminate a number of accounts. This helps at tax time by eliminating some of the 1099's you must keep track of and it gives you a fresh start. Oftentimes in this process, we will find a number of small positions we can eliminate - shares that came to you via mergers or spin-offs or some "hot" stock bought a few years ago that didn't pan out. We'll clean up the portfolios and help get your investments focused into our agreed upon strategy going forward.
Tax sensitivity - we will be careful to manage the tax implications of major changes we make to your portfolios as we take over active management. We'll want to run ideas by your CPA and will work with them to make sure we are all on same page.
Cash management - we will help you manage your cash either coming into your portfolio on a monthly basis during the accumulation phase of life - or - by paying out monthly income to you as you move into retirement. We coordinate your required minimum distributions from your IRAs and we can withhold taxes and deposit the distributions via Automated Funds Transfer directly to your checking account. Many people keep too much money sitting dormant in the bank. We'll help you construct a strategy to get this money working for you while maintaining flexibility to meet your needs.
On-going monitoring - We'll keep track of your plan and monitor your progress and the cash coming/going from your accounts to make sure the plan is staying on track. Life happens and things change. The plan is not a one-time document but rather it is adjusted over time to meet your changing circumstances. We want to be your financial partner and we welcome your dialogue about your needs and changing circumstances. Our management fee is comprehensive and covers all our planning work. We don't charge you for our meetings or our time invested.
Debt - one of the major issues facing Americans today is debt. We have helped a number of clients restructure their balance sheet to payoff debt as the first step in a new long-term financial plan. In some cases, this means taking money away from portfolios we might end up managing to retire debt. We want to give you the best advice we can to help you achieve your goals, even if it means we lose business. Taking a long-term view helps a great deal. Paying off a house or fully funding college needs provides great peace of mind and frees up cash flow for the next step of the financial plan.
Portfolio review - after the initial assessment and review of assets/debt, we will review all of your investment portfolios. This usually winds up in a consolidation of your investments into one location because most clients tend to have assets spread out all over the place - from stock certificates in your safe deposit box to old retirement plan accounts to a mutual fund held at the fund company to a brokerage account that formerly was managed and is now dormant - we will help you consolidate all these assets and eliminate a number of accounts. This helps at tax time by eliminating some of the 1099's you must keep track of and it gives you a fresh start. Oftentimes in this process, we will find a number of small positions we can eliminate - shares that came to you via mergers or spin-offs or some "hot" stock bought a few years ago that didn't pan out. We'll clean up the portfolios and help get your investments focused into our agreed upon strategy going forward.
Tax sensitivity - we will be careful to manage the tax implications of major changes we make to your portfolios as we take over active management. We'll want to run ideas by your CPA and will work with them to make sure we are all on same page.
Cash management - we will help you manage your cash either coming into your portfolio on a monthly basis during the accumulation phase of life - or - by paying out monthly income to you as you move into retirement. We coordinate your required minimum distributions from your IRAs and we can withhold taxes and deposit the distributions via Automated Funds Transfer directly to your checking account. Many people keep too much money sitting dormant in the bank. We'll help you construct a strategy to get this money working for you while maintaining flexibility to meet your needs.
On-going monitoring - We'll keep track of your plan and monitor your progress and the cash coming/going from your accounts to make sure the plan is staying on track. Life happens and things change. The plan is not a one-time document but rather it is adjusted over time to meet your changing circumstances. We want to be your financial partner and we welcome your dialogue about your needs and changing circumstances. Our management fee is comprehensive and covers all our planning work. We don't charge you for our meetings or our time invested.
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